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Tea Ceremony Seminar and Hands-on Experience for Langley High School Japanese AP Class

Event Date: 5/22/2024


A special tea ceremony lecture (lecture, ryurei demonstration、 and hands-on experience) was given to students taking the Advanced Placement Japanese language course (for college credit) at Langley High School in McLean, Virginia. The students who had studied Japanese for several years and their teacher were highly interested in the tea ceremony, and we were able to provide detailed instruction to the small group of students in Japanese. The Q&A session covered topics of a wide range, from matcha to the construction of Japanese tearooms, etiquette in the tearoom, and traditional Japanese culture in general. The feedback we received was that "The tea ceremony lecture was a great success, and we hope we can do it again in the future." It was a very rewarding experience for the volunteer members as well.




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