Event Date: 10/7/2023
真鍋社中が担当の薄茶席には「月清千古秋」の掛け軸が飾られ、趣向に凝った秋の設えを皆さまが楽しまれました。薄茶会員席では、お正客、次客にフィラデルフィア日米協会からチュー二―専務理事と安山様をお迎えし、真鍋淑郎博士にもご参加いただけました。濃茶席は北澤社中が担当し、床には真鍋淑郎博士による御染筆「Simplicity and Balance」が飾られ、注目を集めました。
Autumn Tea Ceremony at Shofuso
It was a delightful autumn day with a pleasant breeze, and 58 people participated in the public tea ceremony. We welcomed Ms. Teune, Executive Director, and Ms. Yasuyama from the Japan America Society of Greater Philadelphia in the members' seat. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful autumn ambiance in the thin tea seat. The thick seating was decorated with Dr. Shukuro Manabe's calligraphy, titled 'Simplicity and Balance,' which drew the attention of many.
