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A Tea Ceremony for the Staff at The Seattle Japanese Garden

Event Date: 9/19/2022

シアトル日本庭園が休園の月曜日に、庭園のスタッフの皆さまに、tea ceremony を体験していただきました。

いつもお世話になっている庭園のスタッフの皆様へ 感謝の気持ちを込めて、普段一般のお客さまに体験していただく茶の湯デモンストレーションを実施しました。



A beautiful autumn's Monday, Seattle special district offered to the garden staff a Chanoyu presentation.

It was very quiet and peaceful because the garden was closed on Monday. The garden was completely private. Everyone enjoyed sitting in the tearoom together, ichi za konryu. This courtesy is part of ichi za konryu which means ‘one group’ or ‘one unit,’ unity being the main purpose of the tea ceremony. This unity was achieved.


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