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CHANOYU CULTURE: Invitation to Tea


この度、日本大使館から多大なご協力を承り、ワシントンDCの日本大使館情報文化センター(JICC)において、“Chanoyu Culture (茶の湯)– Invitation to Tea”と題するイベントを開催しました。JICCの展示ホールでは、7月25日から9月8日まで茶の湯と表千家の茶会を紹介するパネルとお道具、ビデオによる特別展示が行われています(ました)。




The Washington DC Chapter, in collaboration with The Japan Information & Culture Center (JICC) and the Embassy of Japan, held an event series titled "Chanoyu Culture - Invitation to Tea" at the JICC in Washington, D.C. A special exhibition with panels, tea utensils, and videos introducing chanoyu and Omotesenke's tea ceremony is being held in the exhibition hall of JICC from July 25 to September 8. 2023.

On July 27, more than 120 citizens gathered in the Auditorium for a special opening event that featured a lecture on the history of tea and the Omotesenke School of Chanoyu, followed by a demonstration of the "usucha" tea ceremony. Several participants experienced the tea ceremony as guests in a tearoom set up on the stage, and a lively Q&A session was held at the end, showing the high level of interest in the tea ceremony among the visitors.

On July 31, we held a workshop for 20 local high school students and their teachers at the same venue. We gave them a short lecture on the history of tea, followed by hands-on experience of making tea for themselves.

Through this series of events, we were able to deepen the interest in chanoyu among many members of the D.C. community.


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