Event Date: 10/2/2022
昨年に続き、メリーランド州ハワードカウンティにおいて開催されたJapan Dayにて、 立礼のお点前デモンストレーション、質疑応答、お点前体験コーナーで、地域のイベント来場者の皆様に、茶道の紹介をいたしました。
Continuing from last year at Japan Day held in Howard County, Maryland, we introduced the tea ceremony to local visitors through Ryurei demonstrations, question-and-answer sessions, and a hands-on tea ceremony experience corner.
The tea ceremony experience corner in particular was a great success, with a long waiting line until just before the end of the event. On the day of the event, despite the rain, we welcomed a large number of event visitors, and we had the opportunity to serve tea to Mr. and Mrs. Ball, Howard County Executives, who were visiting the event, and to introduce them to the tea ceremony.
