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Workshop for William Paterson University, Japanese language class

ウイリアム・パターソン大学の日本語クラスの講師 中根真理子先生と生徒7名が表千家流茶の湯を体験。抹茶は大変人気で、お代わりのリクエストが出た。「利休」「抹茶」「所作」についての質問が出た。「これから家に帰って、もっと日本語を勉強したい」と、生徒さんが言っていたとの感想をもらった。

A tea demonstration was requested by Ms. Mariko Nakane, who is a Japanese language instructor at William Paterson University.  She brought her seven students.  They loved matcha and asked for another bowl of tea.  They asked many questions about Rikyu, matcha, and the movements of the demonstration.  Ms. Nakane emailed me afterwards, informing me that following our event, her students were motivated to improve their language skills.


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