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茶碗作りワークショップ by 陶芸家のムーア理津子氏(同門会員)

English Follows Japanese

あっという間にSOLD OUTになったこのワークショップ。当日は冬晴れとはいえ、厳しい寒の戻りとなったNYCの週末。寒さにもかかわらず、時間通りに参加者の皆さんがお集まりになり、講師のムーア理津子さんが、まず、お茶のお茶碗について詳しくご説明。その後、参加された方々は熱心にムーアさんのきめ細やかなご指導を仰ながら、思い思いにお茶碗作りを楽しまれました。茶の湯文化の一端をまさに体感することができた有意義な2時間だったことと思います。



Making a tea bowl with Potter artist Ritsuko Moore (member of Omotesenke Domonkai Eastern Region USA):

The pottery class was so popular that it became SOLD OUT long before the deadline. Despite such a bitterly cold day, everyone came to the workshop on time. Ms. Ritsuko Moore started the workshop with a detailed explanation about the tea bowl. After her lecture, the attendees started kneading and shaping the clay and enjoyed making their own tea bowl, with Ms. Moore's guidance and help.

Ms. Moore will finish up these two bowls at her studio, going through the rest of the process, including shaving, glazing, and firing. Each attendee will receive his/her own completed bowl in a couple of weeks. There will be another tea ceremony event using their own bowls. We hope this kind of cultural event would inspire more people to learn about Chanoyu.

This workshop is the first event of our new fundraising approach. Thanks to those who participated in this workshop, the revenue from this event ($450) will be contributed as a donation to Domonkai's regional activities and our 10th-anniversary event. We cannot thank enough those who helped to make this event successful. First, we would like to thank Ms. Moore Ritsuko, who generously provided this event as her in-kind donation, based on her lifework of promoting Japanese pottery overseas. In addition, we appreciate those Domonkai members who helped on-site to ensure the workshop would be smoothly conducted.


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