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Tea Ceremony Collaboration with John P. Humes Japanese Stroll Garden


マンハッタンから車で約1時間半、Locust Valleyの7エーカーの森林の中に隠れ家のようにある日本庭園と茶室は、1960年に日本を訪れた、ジョンP.ハムズ大使夫妻によって作られました。

その後2017年、North Shore Land Allianceが茶室と日本庭園の保存目的で購入し、地元のランドスケープのひとつとして運営しています。




"Breathe life into the tea room."

About an hour and a half drive from Manhattan a Japanese garden and teahouse were created by Ambassador John P. Hams and his wife, who visited Japan in 1960, as a hideaway in a seven-acre forest in Locust Valley.

In 2017, the North Shore Land Alliance purchased it for the purpose of preserving the tea room and Japanese garden, and they have since become part of the local landscape. At the time, the garden and tea room were unmaintained and in decaying condition, and not usable for a tea ceremony.

The Foundation's staff, which is made up of volunteers and supporters have beautifully restored the tea house and garden. As the project to preserve and revive the tea room continues, we hope that the Eastern Branch will become part of the project by serving as a stepping stone to Japan for the community by continuously holding tea events for local citizens.





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