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Penn State University Chanoyu Club Lesson

Event Date: 12/5/2023

Penn State Universityにある「茶の湯クラブ」のクラスを開催。今回も2つのグループに分け、畳の部屋では一人の学生がお点前をし残りの学生にはお客の作法を学んで頂きました。別のグループはテーブルで、立礼のお点前のお稽古で自分で一服のお茶を点てて頂きました。その後、其々のグループが交代し、畳とテーブルのお稽古をしました。畳のお稽古では、ほとんどの学生が既にお点前をしており、少しづつ慣れてきている様です。そして客の所作では茶室の席入りの仕方、食籠の中のお菓子の取り回し方、きちんと正座、挨拶をしてお茶の頂き方を学びました。

The Penn State University "Chanoyu Club" conducted practice sessions led by its member students. The participants were divided into two groups. One group practiced the "Temae" procedure of the tea ceremony, learning how to be the guests in the tatami room. Meanwhile, the other group practiced the "Ryurei" at the table. After each group completed their practice, they switched rooms to practice the other activity. Because the member students diligently continue practicing the tea ceremony, the majority seem to have achieved a smoother flow in executing the "Temae" procedure. During this session, the member students practiced entering the tea room, learned proper manners for taking the sweets from the "jikiro" and handling the "jikiro" while sitting on the tatami, demonstrating appropriate guest manners.      





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