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Public Tea Gathering at Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Event Date: September 24, 2019

ブルックリンボタニックガーデンでの市民茶会。日本庭園内の池のすぐ近くの東屋に、組み立て式(Donated Globus Family) の中板2畳のステージを設置し、半屋外での茶会。気持ちの良い秋風をかんじながら、日本庭園の散策と茶会で、参加された方は忙しい日常を忘れ、一座建立を楽しんだ。お茶と茶道の歴史、現在にあった茶道の楽しみ方、正式なお茶会などを説明し、参加者からのQ&Aも楽しんだ。

後援 Globus Family

We want to give our heartfelt thanks to Globus Family for their support and to BBG for helping plan this event.

We held a tea ceremony inside the pavilion in the Japanese Hill-and-Pond Garden at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. The two mat tea room was created using tatami mats that were kindly donated by the Globus family. 

During the ceremony, we were able to provide insight for our guests using a microphone, and afterward, we explained the history of chanoyu during the question and answer session. 

Our guests were able to enjoy the beautiful vista of the torii gate, pond, and garden from the pavilion while enjoying our performance. The incense enveloped the room, carried on a pleasant autumn breeze, while clouds lazily floated by. We hope our guests were able to gain a respite from their busily daily lives through the enjoyment of a simple cup of tea and some sweets on this beautiful day. 

Supported by Globus Family





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