Event Date: 9/24/2022
ベルビュー カレッジでは、9 月 24 日に一般公開イベント「ジャパン・ウィーク」を開催しました。この催しは、日本の音楽、ダンス、太鼓、書道、華道、茶道、俳句、折り紙、武術と民話、公演、レクチャー、ワークショップ、コンテストなど、多彩な分野から日本を紹介する文化祭です。
6th Annual Japan Week at Bellevue College
Bellevue College presented Japan Week to the public on Saturday, Sept. 24. The events spanned a wide range of exhibitions, including Japanese music, dance, drumming, art exhibits, calligraphy, flower arrangement, tea ceremony, haiku, origami, martial arts, and folktale storytelling, among other things.
The annual cultural festival is organized by the Bellevue College, Japanese Culture Exchange Club with support from the Consulate-General of Japan in Seattle and over 200 volunteers.
Seattle Special District gave the Chanoyu Presentation by the UW Chanoyu Club members twice including, serving matcha for randomly selected audiences on the tatami stage.
Mr. and Mrs. Inagaki, Consulate-General of Japan in Seattle stopped by our stage.
