Japan Fair, Bellevue, WA
ワシントン大学 茶の湯クラブ」が 茶室での初のお稽古
Kaleidoscope Series, The Way of Tea by The Seattle Japanese Garden
A [Virtual] Invitation to Chanoyu (The Way of Tea)
Seattle Cherry Blossom & Japanese Cultural Festival
Art to Celebrate the Blooming of Cherry Blossoms
Penn State Chanoyu Club virtual demonstration 「Tea Ceremony at Home」
The Art of Japanese Tea
Penn State Chanoyu Club Demonstration
The 4th annual Japan Week at Bellevue College
Silent Auction - Tea Utensils
The Pennsylvania State University Chanoyu Club
Workshop and Introduction to Tea Ceremony at the Japan Society
茶碗作りワークショップ by 陶芸家のムーア理津子氏(同門会員)
学校茶道 キッズ国際学園 茶の湯体験Chanoyu workshop at Kids International Weekend School in NJ
Let’s Learn How to Make a Tea Bowl!